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    Indicators and Ratings

    Indicators and Ratings

    GRI Indicators

    • SulAmérica’s Annual Report follows the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), world’s reference for the preparation of sustainability reports, since 2008. Since 2016 Report, the Company uses the GRI Standard version.
    • All relevant indicators to SulAmérica are in the Enviromental, Social and Governance (ESG) Indicators document. Click here to access the document.
    • The indicators are organized based on a methodology developed internally and called SULA indicators, which are aligned with the material themes of SulAmérica. This methodology have the purpose of meeting the relevant market disclosure standards as GRI and SASB, in addition to referring to The Principles of the Global Compact, the Objectives for Sustainable Development and the Principles for Sustainability in insurance.
    • Since 2011, SulAmérica has external verification on its annual reports. This year, KPMG Independent Auditors assured the data and information presented in this report and in the inventory of gas emissions inventory report. Access the Assurance Report on GRI Indicators for 2021 or the Assurance Report on Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emission for 2021.

    Indexes and Ratings

    The main rating agencies and sustainability index providers evaluate and monitor the evolution of companies in their management of risks and opportunities in environmental, social and governance (ESG) themes. The assessments support investors and stakeholders in general in their decision-making with data and information.

    SulAmérica takes measures aimed at integrating sustainability into its strategy in a structured manner, aligning ESG themes to our purpose. Our performance has led to several recognitions from different independent institutions, guaranteeing positive results in ratings and the inclusion in relevant sustainability indexes, as a result of our efforts to implement best-in-class ESG practices.


    Ratings and Acknowledgments
    FTSE4Good Indices Series
    SulAmérica has been included in the FTSE4Good Emerging sustainability index since its creation in 2016. Provided by the global index provider FTSE Russell, the FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. FTSE Russell’s evaluation is based on SulAmérica’s public data and is performed independently following strict selection criteria.

    SulAmérica: 3.9
    Rating scale: from 0-5
    Percentile: 85

    ISS ESG rates companies based on the materiality of environmental, social and governance related topics. SulAmérica was awarded the ISS Prime Status, a standard given to companies with an ESG performance that fulfil ambitious absolute performance requirements.

    SulAmérica: C
    Rating scale: D- to A+

    MSCI ESG Ratings
    MSCI rates 7,500 companies according to their exposure to ESG risks and their performance on managing such risks in relation to their peers. MSCI also evaluates companies on their controversial business activities and sustainable impact solutions.

    SulAmérica: BBB
    Rating scale: CCC to AAA

    The Sustainalytics assessment examines ESG issues posing the most material risks to a company’s performance. The rating considers two material measures, evaluation of a company’s exposure to industry-specific ESG risks and company’s performance when managing such risks.

    Click here to access the report.

    SulAmérica: 16.4 (low risk)
    Rating scale: from 100-0 (the lower the better)
    Ranking: 21 out of 291

    S&P Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA)
    The S&P Global CSA is an annual evaluation of companies’ sustainability practices which applies a robust approach to compare over 10,000 companies around the world across 61 industries through questionnaires assessing a mix of 80-100 cross-industry and industry-specific questions.

    Click here to see the full score.

    SulAmérica: 65
    Rating scale: from 0-100


    Sustainability Indexes


    Last update: November 21, 2022
